Sunday, May 29, 2011

Peter Tatchell: Moscow police colluded with thugs

Noted gay activist Peter Tatchell has described for Pink News  the degree of collaboration between antigay skinsheads/thugs and the Moscow police who roughly broke up the latest attempt in Moscow to publicly protest that country's treatment of its gay citizens. His account differs markedly from the whitewashed Russia Today coverage of the incident.
We witnessed a high level of fraternisation and collusion between neo-Nazis and the Moscow police. I saw neo-Nazis leave and re-enter police buses parked on Tverskaya Street by City Hall

Our suspicion is that many of the neo-Nazis were actually plainclothes police officers, who did to us what their uniformed colleagues dared not do in front of the world’s media. Either that, or the police were actively facilitating the right-wing extremists with transport to the protest.

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