Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wonkette's take on Daily Caller, the 'national news' outlet so enamored of Nebraska Watchdog's Ernie Chambers exposé

Chronicling by chapter and verse Chambers' rhetorical excess about cops (which he has been saying since, like, 1966) and then watching it bounce around the right-wing echo chamber isn't remotely a scoop, and criticizing fellow reporters for not bothering to transcribe Chamber's latest fusillade isn't very meaningful either.
     You can report on the Unicameral or you can report on Chambers' wretched excess but who can adequately cover both? We'd rather see Unicameral reporters ignore Chambers' sideshow antics in favor of more reportage of legislative proceedings in general, as Dana Winter herself is prone to do on her better days.
     For Pete's sake, if she continues to roll around in this ditch, she's no better than a jammies-clad blogger... Us, for example. We expect better from our betters — real reporters — even while recognizing that some of them have to supply their right-wing paymasters with this kind of drivel occasionally.
     Go read Wonkette's take on the Daily Caller for an alternative take on what some people think about the "national news" outlet that takes Chambers' flights of fancy seriously. Via Winter:
     None of the reporters at the legislative hearing reported on Chambers’ comments, but KFOR Radio and Nebraska Watchdog did this week, prompting a flurry of national coverage. Nebraska lawmakers are accustomed to Chambers’ vitriolic speeches, and rarely call him out, perhaps because he often retaliates by targeting them and their bills. But on Wednesday, McCoy took the unusual step of confronting Chambers.
     “It’s appalling, and I’ve had enough,” McCoy said.
     He said he first heard about Chambers’ remarks on Wednesday, when the story went viral.
     “This is the first time in my time I’m going to stand up and take on Senator Chambers for something he said,” off the floor, McCoy said Wednesday morning, noting the story made national news – from FOX News to the National Review to the Daily Caller – and calling on Chambers to apologize to police and military officers who defend the U.S.
In June 2012, Nebraska Watchdog's parent, the Franklin Center, teamed up with the Heritage Foundation to host the first annual Breitbart Awards dinner.

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